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8 Years with Wanbo

Congratulations! Wanbo is now 8 years old!

Eight years ago, we stepped onto a new racetrack with no supply chain support, no mature team, and no prior successes, facing numerous doubts. The industry faced a tough winter in late 2016, followed by the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Despite these challenges, we persevered and launched the T2 Max in 2020, which became the top seller in its category that same year. Over these eight years, we have successfully launched 15 models and achieved rapid sales growth. Our team has grown from just a few members to over a hundred. Our unwavering determination and original aspirations have brought us this far.

Today, we are leaders in the LCD projector industry. After eight years of hard work, we have evolved from 0 to 1. Now, we embark on the journey from 1 to 2. Our focus is on excelling in product development and quality, providing customers with a more intelligent and immersive audiovisual experience, and establishing Wanbo as a renowned global brand.

We place great importance on technological innovation, continually developing and upgrading new products in all aspects—from functionality and manufacturing processes to exterior design—to provide customers with an exceptional audiovisual experience. Simultaneously, we will expand our marketing efforts overseas, striving to make Wanbo a globally leading projector technology enterprise.

Wanbo's journey over the past eight years would not have been possible without the support and companionship of all our friends. Moving forward, Wanbo will continue to uphold its original aspirations, enhance the quality of its products and services, and embrace an even brighter future together with all our friends!

Best Regards,
Wanbo Team

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